
Free-sparring for our club is a traditional style. We do not spar for points, nor is the focus speed. The focus is on self-improvement and safety by applying the techniques in a controlled manner with a partner.  Speed, fluidity, timing, movement, strategy, mental focus, technique, self-control, and defensive tactics are all important aspects of our free-sparring practice.  The matches involve light to no contact primarily to the torso and head.  No attacks may be applied below the belt or to the back, and head attacks must be pulled back without making contact.  No sweeps, grabs, trips, takedowns, or holds are used during our matches.  On Saturdays we put on more sparring gear (headgear and chest guards) to practice sparring with more contact.

We also practice choreographed defense and counterattack sequences known as three-step and one-step sparring. Listed here are the three-step and one-step sparring techniques which are all practiced regularly to develop quick muscle memory movements in response to an attack. Hapkido and knife defenses are advanced self-defense techniques practiced by red belts and above.




Knife Defenses

Here is a video of our 3-steps and 1-steps as demonstrated by two high belts from an affiliated club at the University of Illinois: